Sunday, September 27, 2009

Counting down!!


General Conference is in...SIX DAYS!!!! And guess what the topic was for the talks in sacrament meeting today?? Hmmyuppers. How to prepare for conference. Here's my list of what I'll be doing to prepare!!

Before Conference...

  • Pray for the speakers, so that they will be guided by the Spirit, as well as for myself, so that I can be ready to hear what they have to say.
  • Fast. I'm thinkin' Wednesday will be a good day...
  • Buy a notebook/journal so that I can take scrupulous notes. (I love that word..."scrupulous.")
  • Write down some questions that I hope to have answered next weekend.
  • Meet with the bishop...
  • Invite my mom to watch a session.
During Conference...
  • Get up early, get dressed up, and go to the stake center to watch the sessions.
  • Pray some more.
  • Pay attention!!
  • Take scrupulous notes. :) Also, write down any personal goals I would like to accomplish over the next six months.
After Conference...
  • Apply it!!
  • Share what I learned with my family.
  • Write a post about what I got from the sessions.
  • Give an issue of the November '09 Ensign (when it's available) to one of my friends.
  • Review my notes frequently.
So what are you doing to get ready for Conference???

I'm still getting used to my new ward. I think it's going to be awhile before I feel like it's "my ward." I've met a few people, and they seem nice. But so many people talk and text and other things during the meeting...which is a little frustrating when you're trying to focus. Remember in Pride and Prejudice, Mormon version? "I'm trying to feel the Spirit!!" ha! Anywho, I think I met the bishop today, but I'm not positive...I told him who I was, but he didn't tell me who he was. So...I guess for now I'll just assume he's the bishop.

When I came home after church today, Mom said I didn't seem as happy. "You're always so happy when you get back from church." *sigh* I guess I'm just really missing 5th Ward. Hopefully it'll get easier the more I go.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Turning Points

Ok, so I really need to do a better job at posting on this thing...I have been busybusy!! Where to start?

It turns out that since I don't go to ASU anymore, I can no longer go to 5th Ward. :( :( So sad!! So I'm now in plain University Ward (without the "5th"). I went there for the first time this past Sunday. It's...interesting. Most of the people are in their mid- to late-20s, and they're a lot more focused on dating/marriage. I heard the words "kissing games at FHE" in Sacrament Meeting...yuppers. Hopefully no cute boy proposes between now and the time I go on my mission, with or without kissing games. I'm going to stick with it, though, and give it a chance. I think this is just the awkward phase right now, as 5th Ward is all I've known. I definitely miss it like crazy!!

So, what I finished training, and now I'm on the floor, working with students. Or, I would be if I wasn't sick. I hate to say it, but I'm honestly trying to decide whether or not I want to stick with!!! I've discovered for myself why a call center gets a bad rep...I'm stressed all the time, and I know this is what's making me sick. I just hate the idea of quitting...I haven't even been there a month yet. And the idea of job hunting again...yikes. I had to leave work early yesterday afternoon, I was feeling so bad. But on the way home, I was able to drive by the temple, so I decided to walk on the grounds for a bit. Unfortuantely, I didn't have my temple recommend, but just being there, not even going inside, made the biggest difference in my day. I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father knows what I'm going through, and I know that my Savior is walking right there beside me, every step of the way, and I know that whatever happens, it will all work out for good.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First week!

This is gonna be quick...

So I survived my first week of training for my new job...yay! It's been one week. I feel like my head is about to explode, and I have academic policies and COE--aka College of Education...gotta learn those acronyms!--policies on the brain. It takes me an hour to get to work in the morning, and almost an hour and 20 minutes to get home. I'm pretty much dead at night...I eat dinner and then jump in bed. What little night owl-ness I had in me is gone. Lammme-oh. But I love GCU...the people are so sweet and it seems like a great place to be!

We also moved into our new house on Monday, and we l-o-v-e it!! Especially now that we have the AC working in all the rooms, lol. Chris and I camped out in the 'rents' bedroom, the coolest part of the house, for the first few nights. But now we have our own rooms set up and we're getting things unpacked and situated, slowly but surely. We're all happy with how things are working out. :)